Mikael Lindahl sitting in a room with heat pumps

Clever systems need cleverly designed heat pumps

Qvantum is a unique company in many ways. The company designs and plans 5th-generation district heating systems and develops and manufactures the heat pumps that make up the backbone of these systems. And – while at it – a host of other heat pumps as well.

”There were no old solutions that we had to take into consideration”

Mikael Lindahl, Head of Product Development.

PETER JOCIC AND MICHAEL LINDAHL are two of the most senior product specialists in the Swedish heat pump industry. Both were given a clear mandate when they came to Qvantum: Design heat pumps for our systems the way you always wanted them to be designed.

The rules were straightforward: We want to be able to use one tech platform from 1 – 100 kW, and we shall be able to build them in our own plant, in large volumes, at a reasonable cost.

Michael Lindahl liked that challenge:

“After all these years it was great fun to sit down with Peter, and a white piece of paper and figure out the smartest way of doing everything. There were no old solutions that we had to take into consideration.”

Very early, it was clear that the path forward was spelled m-o-d-u-l-e-s. By designing all heat pumps in modules, it was easy to see how many parts could be used across the range. A wide range of products could be designed using fewer different components than in traditional manufacturing.

“We have both air-to-water, exhaust air, and geothermal heat pumps, and we have them in sizes from the smallest to the biggest on the market,” Peter Jocic says.

“Most of them can now be produced on the same production line. We only keep inventory of the modules and don’t have to decide what kind of heat pump to make until the very last minute. This makes us very efficient and flexible in terms of time and capital.”

More serviceable

The lack of installers and service staff is a problem in large parts of Europe, and it will take time to train as many as are needed. One advantage of the modular system is that it makes for easy installation and service and makes training much easier.

“Anyone who can service a gas burner will be able to service our heat pumps,” says after sales manager Sofia Akhlagi.

“If there is a faulty module, remove it and put in a replacement. The one that needs repair is then sent to us in the same box the relief came in. We will repair it at our shop and send it out the next time the same need occurs.

Ultra-low climate impact

All the newly designed heat pumps from Qvantum have a very high efficiency with a capacity of creating at least 5 kWh of heat for every kWh of electricity put in. In Scandinavian climate, that is …

Another aspect is that they have been designed to use propane (R290) for the refrigeration circuit. Propane is a natural refrigerant with a GWP (Global Warming Potential) of 3, which is so low that it is considered negligible.

“It’s a fantastic refrigerant, and we are proud to be among the first to use it commercially.”

Bigger range than planned

The idea behind Qvantum is primarily the low-temperature local district heating systems for cities. An area where heat pumps are still considered a new idea. However, as Peter and Michael worked on the design, they realized it would be easy to simultaneously create a range of traditional heat pumps for single homes.

“The market potential across the continent is huge, and in Scandinavia, people are into their 2nd or even 3rd heat pump”, Michael says.

“And we strongly believe we have an excellent offer here. Perhaps the very best in the business.”