Qvantum FAQ

In the Qvantum FAQ you will find the most frequently asked questions about Qvantum heat pumps. For more information on how our products work, check out the respective product pages where you will also find product sheets and installation manuals.

What is a heat pump?

A heat pump is a device that can provide heating, cooling and hot water for residential, commercial and industrial use. Heat pumps take energy from the air, ground or water and turn it into heat or cool air. Heat pumps are very energy efficient, and a sustainable way of heating or cooling buildings.

I´m planning on replacing my gas boiler, are heat pumps reliable?

Heat pumps are based on techniques discovered in the 1850s, and various forms of heat pumps have been operating for more than 75 years.

Around 20 million heat pumps are now used in Europe, and this is growing every year. From the smallest units to large industrial installations, heat pumps operate through a refrigerant cycle which allows to capture and transfer energy from air, water and ground to provide heating, cooling and hot water. Due to its cyclical nature, this process can be repeated over and over again.

The energy heat pumps use is clean and renewable. This is because it is from the air, water or the ground, using a small additional amount of driving energy, usually electricity, to turn it into heating, cooling and hot water.

Do heat pumps work when it´s freezing outside?

Heat pumps operate perfectly at temperatures well below zero. Even when the outside air or water feels ‘cold’ to us, it still contains huge amounts of useful energy.

The most common type, air-source heat pumps, relies on a transfer of air. During the winter, they move hot air from outside to inside, keeping the house warm even when it’s freezing outdoors. During the summer, they move hot air from inside to outside to heat the house.

On the other hand, ground-source heat pumps transfer heat between your home and the outside ground. Unlike the air, the temperature of the ground remains consistent throughout the year.

In fact, heat pumps are widely used in the coldest parts of Europe, satisfying 60% of the total heating needs of buildings in Norway and more than 40% in Finland and Sweden. The three Scandinavian nations also have the highest number of heat pumps per capita in the world. Norway leads the group with 604 heat pumps every 1000 households, followed by Sweden (427 every 1000 households) and Finland (408 every 1000 households).

Do heat pumps also provide cooling?

Yes, they do! Despite their name, heat pumps can also cool. Think of it as a reverse process: in the cold season, heat pumps absorb heat from the chilly external air and transfer it inside; in the hot season, they release outside the heat pulled from warm indoor air, cooling your home or building. The same principle applies to refrigerators, which work in the same way as a heat pump to keep your food cool.

All of this makes heat pumps very convenient – home and business owners do not need to install separate equipment for heating and cooling. Not only does this save time, energy and money, but it also takes up less space in your home.

I live in an apartment, can i still install a heat pump?

Any type of home,including high-rise buildings, is suitable for the installation of heat pumps. EHPA is currently gathering examples from across Europe of blocks of flats or multi-family buildings which use heat pumps.

Here you can find the Qvantum App

Depending on the type of phone you have, download the Qvantum app from the App Store or Google Play. You can read more about the app and how it works on our app page.

Download on App Store
Get it on Google Play

I have a problem with my heat pump, how can I get help?

In the first instance, you should contact your installer. If you do not know which company to contact, you are welcome to contact Qvantum support.

How to change the filter in your Qvantum heat pump

The filters in the QE need to be changed regularly. The filter cassettes are accessed by removing the front panel of the ventilation unit. Replace both filters at the same time.

NOTE! The product should be switched off before removing the filter cassettes and remain off until the replacement is complete!

  1. Turn off the ventilation.
  2. Lift off the front plate and pull out the ventilation cassette.
  3. Remove the fixing plate from the filter cassette.
  4. Remove and replace the used filter.
  5. Replace the fixing plate and replace the ventilation cassette.
  6. Assemble the front plate
  7. Activate the ventilation again.

What kind of service/maintenance do I need to do for my heat pump?

In general, you need to do very little. If it is an exhaust air heat pump, as a consumer you should only change the filter regularly (about every 6 months). If you have an air/water heat pump, we recommend that you clean the outdoor unit from leaves and debris that can stick to the evaporator.

NOTE! Be very careful with the fin package on the back of the outdoor unit. The fins are made of aluminum and bend very easily.

Can Qvantum heat pumps handle hourly prices (Nordpool) and plan operations based on price peaks?

The design and hardware of the heat pumps are adapted for this. The function itself, with associated algorithms, is under development and has a planned release during 2025.

Do your heat pumps have a high level of IT security against, for example, ransomeware attacks?

Our software is based on the principle of “Security by design”, which means that no access keys to the pump are available unless the user has given permission.

The pumps can be operated without problems even if Qvantum were to be hit by ransomware.

To maintain security and to improve functionality, the pumps are continuously updated.

How to connect your heat pump to your home WiFi

Make sure the heat pump is installed and running. Download the Qvantum app to your mobile phone if you haven’t already.

Connect to the heat pump via Bluetooth:

  • Open the app and scan the QR code on the heat pump’s display.
  • The app will automatically connect to the heat pump via Bluetooth.

Note! Make sure Bluetooth is enabled on your mobile when you make these settings.

Qvantum App – connect wifi

Go to the home screen of the app with the overview of your house and current temperature.

  1. Tap the house to open the card, then tap the gear icon in the top left corner to open the settings menu.
  2. Select the option “Connect to WiFi”.
  3. Switch from the included router’s WiFi network to your own WiFi. Enter the password for your network if required.

Done! Your heat pump is now connected to your WiFi network.

What is a heat curve?

The supply temperature your system needs at the DUT (Design Outdoor Temperature). Then this supply temperature is lowered according to the curve the warmer it is outside.

Which heating curve should I have?

It depends on your property, the system and where you are in the country. Enter the DUT for your area and what supply your property and system needs at the DUT temp.

This is set by the installer at installation, but readjustment may be needed.

What is the DUT?

DUT stands for dimensioned outdoor temperature and indicates what your area normally has for outdoor temperature on the coldest day of the year. Developed by Boverket (Note, page in swedish).

Where can I find my serial number?

You can read the serial number under device information in the display or on the lid of the electrical box behind the front door.

You can also see the serial number of connected devices in the app. You can find it under “Product information” in the menu.

Can my QE exhaust air heat pump produce cooling?

No, at present it cannot produce cooling.

Is it necessary to have a room sensor?

No, you don’t have to have it but it is beneficial to plug it in as the temperature can be more accurate.

What is flexready®?

All of Qvantum’s new residential heat pumps are prepared for what is called flexready®. This means that they are made to be able to turn the fluctuations of the electricity market to the customers’ advantage.

Qvantum Flexready - Termiskt batteri som svarar på flexmarknadens svängningar