Så fungerar Qvantum App

When you launch Qvantum’s app for the first time, you need to create an account and sync with your heat pump.

Follow the instructions on the screen to get started: Fill in your details, click “Connect your device” and scan the QR code to connect the app to the heat pump.

The home view is the starting point where you find the functions for your heat pump. This is, for example, where you set the heating and set “Away mode” if you are traveling away.

In the menu – in the lower right corner – you’ll find other functions such as product information, profile and language settings, etc.

Below we describe the most basic functions.

This is how the Qvantum App works
Home temp

The card with the house is “your home” and shows your selected temperature*.

The weather is displayed above the roof on the left and the outside temperature on the right. The symbols in the lower corner of the house show WiFi connection and Bluetooth connection.

* To show the correct indoor temperature, an indoor sensor is required.

Qvantum App home temp opened

To adjust your temperature, click on the card to open it.

You adjust the temperature by pulling the slider.


If you swipe the home card to the left, you will get to shower capacity, which shows how many showers your tank is filled with.

Qvantum App showers

To adjust the shower capacity, click on the card to open it.

Drag the slider to increase/­decrease capacity.

The blue figures show the approximate amount of water remaining in the tank.

Boost ventilation

Extra ventilation ökar tillfälligt ventilationen – till exempel om ni har gäster och är fler i huset än vanligt.

Efter vald tid återgår ventilationen till normalläge.

Qvantum App extra hot water

Extra ventilation temporarily increases ventilation – for example if you have guests and there are more people in the house than usual.

After the selected time, the ventilation returns to normal mode.

Away mode

When away mode is active, the heat pump lowers the indoor temperature and hot water production to save energy.

Schedule by entering start and end dates or until you choose to turn off the function yourself.

Close ventilation

This function switches off the fan and is used, for example, in the event of an air pollution alarm to stop the ventilation. Also close doors, windows and other ventilation.

Qvantum app – filterbyte

This function is also used to switch off the fan when changing the filter.