Thomas Nowak | Qvantum rekryterar toppnamn som chef för PA och Government Relations

Qvantum recruits top name as VP of Government Relations and PA

Heat pump manufacturer Qvantum has hired Thomas Nowak as VP of Government Relations and Public Affairs. As Secretary General of the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) Thomas Nowak has helped to establish heat pumps as a topic in the EU policy environment. For nearly 18 years, he has been the driving force behind making the heat pump technology known and spread throughout the continent.

Many consider Thomas Nowak to be highly influential in making the concept of heat pumps recognized in Europe. After 18 years as Secretary General of the European Heat Pump Association, he is now joining Qvantum.

“The concept of heat pumps, being able to provide heating and cooling at the same time, has fascinated me from the first day I learned about it” says Thomas Nowak.

“It is still surprising to me that after all these years policymakers and businesses are not pushing harder to establish heat pumps for all applications across Europe.” 

“Heat pumps remove fossil dependency and cut costs at the same time. It’s a game-changing concept.”

Qvantum’s vision is to make it possible for the many people to live a life without being dependent on fossil fuels for their heating and cooling. With heat pumps adapted for apartments that currently use gas as a heating method, it is believed that the transition to fossil-free energy systems can accelerate.

“Qvantum is so much more than a heat pump manufacturer”, Nowak says.

“They have a unique system approach, including using heat pumps in low-temperature district heating systems or ambient loops. Something that makes the heat pump part of a solution for multi-family buildings and entire developments. They even use the heat pumps as thermal batteries that can help stabilize the electric power grid. This is a revolution I want to be part of.”

“To make our vision a reality, we need to reach out to decision-makers in both politics and business, and we need to be present in the early stages of decision-making processes,” says Fredrik Rosenqvist, CEO of Qvantum. 

“There are so many aspects of the technology and its benefits that are still unknown to many, especially when it comes to using heat pumps in grids and as thermal batteries. Thomas’s network, knowledge, and enthusiasm make him perfect for his role.”