Qvantum appointed for the unique residential development at Karlskoga

Aggerudsvikarna in Karlskoga, Sweden is one of the country’s most spectacular new residential areas. A total of 49 townhouses with beach plots and their own jetty. AM Construction in Örebro was responsible for the plumbing and installation and chose the Qvantum QE Exhaust Air Heat Pump for the heating.

AM CONSTRUCTION in Örebro is one of the first installation companies to install Qvantum’s new exhaust air heat pumps in the QE series on a larger scale. A total of 49 installations in the prestige project Aggerudsvikarna in Karlskoga. Here, the terraced houses are in four blocks around two bays and all houses have their own descent to their own jetty.

“We chose Qvantum when our usual supplier could not supply exhaust air heat pumps of the right type for a project we were working on” says Andréas Nylund Orvet at AM Construction. Even though Qvantum was completely untested in these contexts, Andréas did not feel that there was any risk.

“After all, Qvantum is built by and around some of the most respected people in the industry. On the one hand, I know that these are people who really know what they are doing, but I also know that they would not have entered the company if they had not believed 100% in the venture.“

In total, Andréa’s staff has installed over 70 heat pumps from Qvantum and everything has gone completely according to plan.

The QE series is very well engineered. Just such a thing as the tap water does not come from the tank but is heated via an exchanger. In this way, you don’t even have to think about corrosion protection. Then the software is in a class of its own. You are stepped through the installation and even an installer who does it for the first time immediately understands how to do it. In addition, Qvantum’s customer support is superb – they connect directly to the relevant heat pump while you are standing in front of it and solve any problems.

“The people [at Qvantum] in particular is what makes it so special” says Andréas .

“It’s a completely different corporate culture from other manufacturers – many of the big EAHP manufacturers are not even on the same level when it comes to customer contact. Here you really feel like a valuable customer. It feels like they have assembled a group that really enjoys providing service and taking care of customers. Magnus Lindberg, who is our contact at Qvantum, has been in the installation industry himself and is a fantastic asset.” Something that Andréas is looking forward to is the first air/water heat pumps from Qvantum to be delivered, “these are going to shake up the industry” says Andreas.

“You can say that you have the same component principle in the new QA as in the QE. It makes everything so much easier for my installers. And simplicity is time and time is money. There will be a lot of Qvantum ahead for us – I can promise that.”